What does it mean to be a WILD WOMAN?
According to Danielle Gismondi, a yoga teacher and New Moon Circle Leader, it is completely and totally LIBERATING.

Danielle is part of a tribe of women known as the Wild Woman Project, a group she stumbled across back in 2014… or maybe the group found her (when you are a woman like Danielle, the universe has your back like that). Either way, the attraction to this project was instantaneous, and Danielle has been embracing the Wild Woman lifestyle ever since.
Hearing Danielle describe the Wild Woman mentality is inspirational. “It's rare now that I worry about what others think of me and what I do.” says Danielle. (Okay, we’re listening!) “It's powerful to realize that you have the divine right to change your mind, to choose what you want and to celebrate what makes you different.” Yes, sister, so much yes.
Wild Women are everywhere, but it is a woman named Chris Maddox who decided to organize these fiery females. Chris trains women to lead New Moon Circles and offers a virtual Circle Leader training twice per year. In addition to the circles, Chris, Danielle, and a couple other powerful women, facilitate Wild Woman Fest – a week spent in the mountains of eastern New York full of moon work and sacred sisterhood.
With the training provided by Chris, New Moon Circles have been sprouting up all over the world. Danielle was reluctant to give away all the mystery and magic of what goes on during the circles (because it is truly an experience to be had in-person). However, she did share some, “I introduce the theme for the moon cycle, offer a grounding visualization and a creative ritual. It changes monthly, but you can always count on the space being sacred.”

For those who may be feeling shy about embracing their wild side or sharing in a group setting, Danielle assures us it is a safe space. “In a Wild Woman Project circle, you go as deeply as you'd like. There is a time to share, and in that space, you say as much or as little as you want. However, if you have the courage and feel the call to step into circle, chances are, speaking your intentions out loud in a group of supportive women feels more comfortable than you might imagine.”
Finally, we had to know – what is it about the new moon that makes it such a pivotal time?
Danielle explains, “when the moon is new, we can't see it in the sky. It's a naturally dark time that can match our own cycles and rhythms. Women are pulled by the moon (men as well, but the moon cycle is very feminine in nature) and just like the moon, we cycle. New moon time is for intention setting, or seeding what you want to manifest in your life. It's a time to explore the darkness without being afraid of it. Stepping into the shadow, is just another way to understand the light.”
If you are feeling ready to step into the space of a Wild Woman Circle, you can join Danielle at Be Well Fest in January. We cannot wait to experience the magic of this sacred gathering and liberate our wild woman at the festival!
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